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2023年12月15日読了時間: 1分
拝啓 貴社ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 さて、本年度の年末年始の休業につきましては、まことに勝手ではございますが 下記のとおり休業させていただきますので、高配賜りますようお知らせ申し上げます。 休業期間中は何かとご迷惑をお掛けすることと存じますが、...
David Hall
2022年1月11日読了時間: 1分
Curtin Interns Design Road Back to Rural Japan
For the past 3 months, our fantastic Curtin University interns have been considering the social issues facing the majority of Japanese...

David Hall
2021年2月22日読了時間: 2分
Reinventing the Japanese Balcony
Tia Pindoriya and Lisa Henley from Curtin University's School of Design and the Built Environment have been working remotely to develop...

David Hall
2021年1月18日読了時間: 1分
Our Internship Program Begins Amidst the Global Pandemic
After some months of planning, meetings and conversations, we have finally begun our internship program with the assistance of Curtin...

David Hall
2020年9月1日読了時間: 1分
Evolutionary Pressure in a Changing Business Environment
I am truly inspired to see how innovative people have been with the dramatic change to the 2020 market conditions. Through pure...
David Hall
2020年6月4日読了時間: 1分
Interns Apply Now
While we are all somewhat incapacitated due to the effects of COVID-19, it is a good time for future planning and to get those projects...

David Hall
2020年5月31日読了時間: 1分
New Office
Welcome everyone to our new and improved website and office. We are extremely proud to have laid the final touches to our office with our...
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